Food, holidays, Vogue – a profile of you, my dear reader…

A few months ago, I asked you and friends everywhere if you wanted to give me a bit more information about your vacation preferences or headaches.  Thank you very much to all of you who answered and gave some precious minutes of your time to share your thoughts about your preferences, your ideas and your views about the blog.

survey results

It’s been really insightful to read your answers. I thought you would all like to see the results. Do you recognise yourself in them?

I will use this information to try to come up with even more useful content for you here on the blog.  As always, you can also give me feedback at anytime. Just contact me!

Merci beaucoup!

Who you are

  • Hello ladies, nice to meet you and thank you to the gentlemen who come around too.
  • Many of you have children of primary school age (between 4 and 12) but a third also have teenagers.
  • You live mostly in the UK, then France, then Europe overall.
  • A nice mix of stay at home mums and professional women who often work in the field of communications (PR, consulting, journalist) . There are also a few lawyers or bankers amongst you.

What you like doing

Wordcloud readers hobbies

  • Of course travel had to feature quite heavily.  Food and family are also clear focus for many of you.
  • Your “péché mignon” (or “guilty pleasure) on which you don’t mind spending money is holidays, nice restaurants, nice food and wine, clothes and jewellery.
  • You read newspapers and The Economist. You also like interior magazines and stylish women’s magazines such as Harper Bazaar, Stylist, Vanity Fair, Côté Ouest,

The countries you like to visit

  • In terms of regions, Europe comes first but North America is a close second.
  • Africa and Asia are the regions outside of your home country that attract you the most. I may need to find you more cool places there.
  • Indian Ocean, the Caribbeans, Australia and Latin America are attracting less of you. Could it be for price reasons?
  • Looking more closely at Europe, here are the countries you like to visit.  (roll over the map to see percentages)

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How you do your travel planning and what you find difficult

travel sources

Your biggest holiday headaches are broken into the general following categories

  • Finding the perfect accommodation [themify_quote]Finding quality child friendly places that are not too pricey[/themify_quote]
  • Planning and the time it takes [themify_quote]Planning – trawling through endless websites and availability spreadsheets[/themify_quote]
  • Getting there!  [themify_quote]Flights, road traffic to get to the airport, planes leaving at 4 o’clock int he morning, delays, restrictions put on how much luggage you can take, missing connections…[/themify_quote]
  • Food and cooking  [themify_quote]…having to be self catering because you need a kitchen and then feeling like you have to clean up the kitchen like you do normally at home all the time – not a holiday![/themify_quote]

Your opinion on the blog

In terms of the content on your blog, the ranking order is

  • Clearly, what you prefer are the posts that review a hotel or a villa.  I wish I had a bigger budget to add more of these but I’ll try!
  • You’re quite keen on the beautiful discoveries that I find. I’m glad as this is a part that I really enjoy doing.
  • The Holiday challenges and the Jolies Choses series both come equally in third. I have been a bit lax with Jolies Choses recently but have a few pretty things to soon blog about. Stay tuned.
  • Finally travel tips and resources are of use to some of you.

You very kindly suggested me some content ideas from holidays with teens to more places in Italy (you must have been pleased with all my recent entries!) to a wider selection of accommodations for various budgets. I’ll try to oblige!

Finally, thank you for some lovely comments. Blogging takes time and I love it but it’s even better when I know that it resonates with you.

[themify_quote]I read your blog because I enjoy your writing and you have beautiful moments[/themify_quote]

[themify_quote]Keep going, really enjoying reading your blog…[/themify_quote]

[themify_quote]With so many blogs out there, I am rather pleased I’ve discovered yours![/themify_quote]

[themify_quote]you’re doing it! Lots of less known places…I also benefited from your ‘holiday challenge’, which turned out to be the highlight of our holiday![/themify_quote]

I will renew the survey each year and I hope you’ll be generous with your time again next time!

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