I have done a lot of time reflecting between Christmas and the New Year as mentioned before. Besides my blog goals, there are many personal goals that emerged. I hope that I can progress on all of them this year and that by putting it out there, it makes me a bit more accountable.
I used this planner* to help me reflect. I’m a bit of a planner addict so if you are interested let me know and I can tell you about the other ones I tried!
(* means that this is an affiliate link: if you click on it, I may get a small commission if you end up purchasing the product).
What I will try to achieve this year in my personal life
Be more healthy: I started running in 2016 and it’s been fabulous for my mental health as well as feeling good in my body. I run 5 times a week in nice months and have succeeded in keeping it to three times a week during the winter. I want to stick to that. I will also try to not eat sugar during the weekdays and to drink more water.
Be more generous: as a family, we are going to focus on one charity this year and contribute both financially and with our time. We are incredibly privileged and giving back is something I also want Mademoiselle to have a much more direct involvement in.
Book holidays early: it helps so much in terms of stress and also saving costs. We have made good progress already and hopefully, by next week, will have our trips until September booked! I’ll let you know where we intend to go.
Take care of myself: I crave a full weekend of me time but as a mum, it’s unlikely to happen soon. However, having regular break times or appointments will help. I have scheduled a first reflexology session next week and hope to make this a monthly habit.
Disconnect from social media: we have decided to ban the iPhones from the bedroom at night. We will also have one Saturday a month without any screen at all. Already not wasting time scrolling through Instagram or Facebook in the evening and instead reading, talking or reflecting has been wonderful.
Be relaxed about my career: this year is an important one for both Mr Big at work and Mademoiselle at school. For that reason, I want to be very present to them and therefore not worry too much about my own work. In addition, I am reaching a stage where a corporate career is less of a focus and being exposed to the online creative world gives me other ideas… It’s too early to know what my next move would be so I relish being just focused on the moment at work and not about the next big job.
Be present for my friends and family: my word of the year last year was “friends and family”. My family and many of my old friends are in France but new friends and the English side of the family is here in the UK. Spending more time with all of them mean being ready for more travels but life is too short not to make the effort. Last year, I traveled for a surprise birthday visit to my mum, my godson’s “profession de foi”, a friend’s wedding, a reunion with friends, Christmas, Easter and more. Hoping to kick that off this year with a weekend in Bordeaux with just my brother and sister.
What are your personal goals for the year?